Where Else To Go

Episode #20 - Where Else to Go: Caribbean Coast of Colombia



Welcome to episode #20 of the Where Else to Go Podcast. We're glad to have you with us for today's show which features Gemma Armit talking about where else to go - the Caribbean Coast of Colombia. Gemma is a teacher of politics and current affairs in Scotland and is also a travel blogger at Two Scots Abroad. Gemma and her husband are just back from a 17-month career break during which they traveled in the Americas and Europe. Although they've returned home, they're not giving up traveling, they'll just be doing it a little differently. Today Gemma talks about their adventures on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. They had been traveling for a couple of months in Peru and Bolivia and kept getting recommendations about going to Colombia. After time spent in the bigger cities, Bogota, Medellin, and Cartagena, they ventured out to the coast. Once there, they found their hearts stolen by both the beaches and the towns of Santa Marta, Costeño, Tayrona National Park and also Minca, a tiny town tucked away in the Sierr