Where Else To Go

Episode #14 - Where Else to Go: A Japanese Onsen



Welcome to episode #14 of the Where Else to Go podcast. We've just hit the three month mark for the podcast, and I thank all of you - friends, guests, and listeners - who've helped me nurture this podcast from idea to reality. My guest today is Ramona Flume. Ramona and I traveled together to Japan a couple months ago, and I've been looking forward to having her on the show.  We're going to talk about the very Japanese tradition and experience of the onsen (bath). There are thousands of onsens around Japan and they are play an important part in Japanese tourism. The word onsen originally referred to hot springs and, by law, must include water that contains one of the designated chemical elements and have a temperature of at least 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of its mineral content, the water is often believed to have healing powers. I can't imagine a visit to Japan that doesn't include a visit (or several visits) to an onsen, and I hope this episode, and Ramona's tips, help get you ready for this where