Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 34 - The Prisoner's Self-Help Litigation Manual and a Needed Overhaul of the System with Daniel Manville



Privatized prisons has turned the prison system into a lean, mean, profit making machine. Companies are cutting costs (and corners) at every turn, leaving prisoners in terrible situations, with little to no ability to get outside help. Obama's mandate to rid the nation of privatized prisons helped alleviate that situation, but Jeff Sessions rescinded that, and private prisons are (for now) here to stay. When we tie prison populations to profits, however, companies have incentives to maintain a "client" base they can make money off of. Plus they're able to use the prisoners for cheap labor. Daniel Manville is a professor at Michigan State and directs the Civil Rights Clinic at MSU College of Law. He's the author of Protecting Your Health & Safety: A Litigation Guide for Inmates, as well as the Prisoner's Self-Help Litigation Manuel. He's trying to get word out that all is not well in our prison system, and things need to change. Key Takeaways: [1:05] Jason was excited about privatized prisons when he first