Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 26 - Foreclosure Law in America with Chris Cabanillas



Jason Hartman talks foreclosure law with Chris Cabanillas of Cabanillas Law Firm. Chris is an expert in foreclosure and shadow inventory. The two discuss how the two relate, and also look into what you should expect from your attorney when dealing with judicial foreclosure. Key Takeaways [1:32] Shadow inventory will continue to increase if foreclosure actions aren't done properly. [6:42] A large amount of foreclosure cases aren't even going to court [10:23] The lenders ability to foreclose varies drastically from state to state [12:45] Chris' advice for those facing foreclosure. [17:04] Higher short sale prices might be due to personal, human aspects [19:13] The fee structure will change depending on the attorney and jurisdiction, but make sure you get a face to face meeting regardless [27:25] Foreign investment is filling up places like Manhattan and the investors may never even spend a night there! Website: Slicing Pie by Mike Moyer