Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 25 - Protecting Your Assets with The Divorce Diva Vikki Ziegler



Jason Hartman talks with The Divorce Diva, Vikki Ziegler, about what you need to have prepared in case a divorce comes into your life. Vikki explains that it's important to start protecting yourself before the wedding ceremony is even planned. It might see harsh, but a little planning now can save a lot of time, money, and emotional trauma in the future. She also discusses how to broach the topic of a prenuptial agreement, and what kinds of things people are starting to include in them. Key Takeaways: [1:39] What you need to know to "do divorce right" [4:42] Some tips to make mediation more successful [11:26] With Americans constantly moving around, which state law applies when divorce happens? [14:49] The best way to bring up the idea of a prenup with your significant other [16:40] The growing trend of a social media clause in prenups Website: [tweet_box design="box_04" float="none"]"People shouldn't say it's kind of a death sentence when you get married, I think it's just the beginning