Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 19 - Training Good District Attorneys with Robert Tanenbaum



Jason Hartman talks with Robert Tanenbaum, former Assistant D.A. in New York County and author of the book Fatal Conceit. Robert served as New York County's Chief of the Criminal Courts and ran the D.A.’s legal staff training program. Robert was appointed as Deputy Chief counsel for the investigation into the JFK and MLK assassinations. Robert and Jason talk about how to work to fix our legal system, the investigation into the JFK assassination and Lee Harvey Oswald, and his writing style. Key Takeaways: [3:30] The issues with our legal system that need to be addressed [6:55] When done properly, our legal system is skewed to the prosecution [11:13] Should prosecutors be censured when a case is overturned? [13:27] What can we do to fix the wrongs in our justice system? [17:12] What happened to Robert when he wanted to investigate some signs that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone [19:11] Comparing Robert's book Fatal Conceit to the Benghazi situation [23:05] How to write in a way that compels the reader and ge