Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 16 - Crowdfunding with Kendall Almerico of ClickStartMe



Kendall Almerico is the CEO of a crowdfunding company called ClickStartMe, and is one of the top crowdfunding experts in today's industry. He regularly writes regarding crowdfunding for, and is also a sought after sports agent. Jason Hartman talks with Kendall about what crowdfunding is and how you can benefit from it, but also safeguarding yourself. Key Takeaways: 3:00 – What is crowdfunding? Kendall explains it's like a church collection plate. Everybody chips in a dollar and by the end there's a couple of hundred dollars in that plate. 10:30 – Crowdfunding is going to change in a big way in January. People will be able to invest in a company in exchange for a company's equity and this big change is bringing up some concerns with venture capitalists. 15:10 – Will there be an upraise of fraud? Kendall says there are many safeguards and regulations to prevent this. He explains in this segment what some of those safeguards are to prevent fraud. 22:20 – Kendall talks a lot about some really coo