Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

Free Court 10 - 24 Hours with 24 Lawyers & American Law 101 with Jasper Kim



Jasper Kim is a former 2011-12 visiting scholar at Harvard University, professor and former department chair at the Graduate School of International Studies at Ewha University, and adjunct faculty at the Pepperdine University School of Law. He is a contributor to BBC, Bloomberg, Christian Science Monitor, CNBC, LA Times, NPR, NYT/IHT, Voice of America, and the Wall Street Journal. He is the founder and chief executive of the non-profit consultancy, Asia-Pacific Global Research Group ( Previously, he worked for Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, and Lehman Brothers. Key Takeaways: [3:30] The process of becoming a lawyer in the US and the move toward specialization [8:00] The importance of lawyers in our society today [12:10] How the consumer can take power into their own hands, and economic arrest created by EULAs [15:55] The profile of a corporate attorney and a politician [20:00] Attorneys becoming settlement mills and not being willing to go to trial, and the power of negotiation [23:40