Free Court Show With Jason Hartman

FC 9 - Representing Yourself in Court: Survive & Prevail in the Legal System with Gary Schreiner



Thriveologist, Author, Life Rhythmicist, Well-Being Evangelist, Executive Coach and Trainer for Highly Driven Professionals and Companies. Gary L. Schreiner, JD is the founder of Unconquerable International, Chief Thriveologist at, and the developer of the VigeologicTM Model of human thriving. He helps dynamic professionals and entrepreneurs develop the mindset, habits, skills and resilience they need to succeed in their businesses or careers and thrive in life. He is a passionate advocate of the "thrivestyle" - living a lifestyle designed to help you get (and give) the most out of life. He grounds his work in science and research and fine tunes it through experience. He also works with business and other organizations, helping them turn soft skills into hard results and create positive change through training programs that engage participants in active skill-building. He tailors every program to the needs of the client. Gary believes that business should make lives better, not merely line pock