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Can NCAA Adapt to Impending Change?



Years from now, the college sports world will look back upon today as perhaps the most significant time in its history. It is a time of palatial prosperity for the National Collegiate Athletic Association; unprecedented profits and popularity have catapulted its product to the vanguard of American sports. But it seems the only thing that can keep up with the NCAA’s penchant for power is its magnetism for ethical imbroglio and scandal. While concord is becoming increasingly difficult to find within the organization, nearly everyone inside seems to harmoniously agree that change, in some scope, is coming. But what that change will look like seems to be the million – or more appropriately, multi-billion – dollar question. The NCAA is reportedly projected to rake in over $900 million in revenue this year, thanks almost entirely to prodigious television contracts and other media rights payments, and that number is expected to climb to over $2 billion by 2020. Burgeoning outrage that is beginning to smother the bra