Get Rich Education

16: Getting Money For Your Deal with Judy Robinett f/ The Cardone Zone & The GaryVee Audio Experience & The Stacking Benjamins Show & Real Vision: Finance, Business & The Global Economy



#16: “Power Connector” Judy Robinett, author of top-selling “How To Be A Power Connector: The 5+50+100 Rule For Turning Your Business Network Into Profits” joins Get Rich Education today and tells you how to find investment money. Listen to this week’s show and learn: 01:25  Real estate syndication and business crowdfunding defined. 04:48  It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. 07:17  How do you “get in the right room” to get your deal funded? 10:20  The difference between angel investors and venture capitalists. 13:13  Where you find a network and investors. 17:34  How do you learn about which people to avoid? 19:35  What is “Reputation Capital”? 20:08  How to best use social media for networking. 21:35  Why there aren’t more women in business. 24:24  The “5+50+100 Rule”. 27:40  Another person must know, like, and trust you before they fund you. 29:28  The value of taking an influencer to lunch. Ask “Who else do you know that I should talk to?” 31:33  People don’t lack resources. They lack resourcefulne