Pony 411

Pony 411 Episode 41- Polka Party



Time for a rather crazy episode of Pony 411! This week we have a lot of news, including yet more con news, a ton of merchandise stuff, and some other things as well. Oh, and apparently Alca7raz is trying to cough up a lung. Well, after that, they talk about "Pinkie Pride." Which was insane! This is the long anticipated Weird Al appearance, so did it live up to the hype? Were the songs good? And what was with the live action scenes? All this and more, on Pony 411! Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LYtwKkSLkfW69ZZH3pP1QfMvp_8hVGjvziNc3NZyT3k/pub