Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Do You Learn From Your Challenges?



When hard times come upon you and your life, how do you react to them? Do you approach them as learning opportunities or do you allow them to ruin the moment? Andrea Heuston has faced her share of tough times, but she’s still here smiling and empowering others. Listen in to learn all about her story. Andrea’s corporate life started off with a bang. She was the head of a team at her company and then was asked to fire all of them. The next day she too was laid off. Rather than give anyone that kind of control over her finances again, she stepped fully into the entrepreneurial world.  Fast-forward through three very impactful events in her life and she knew that she was meant for more. Which was why she wrote her book, Stronger on the Other Side. Listen as she shares more about the book and what she hopes her readers take away from her experiences. She’s even sharing some of the questions that she keeps on hand to ask herself when things are spinning out of control. Andrea has been through some seriously major