Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Are You an Ethical Role Model?



Ethics is a huge issue in business and in life. What happens when you break all the rules of ethics in business? Sometimes it leads to time in prison. Listen as Richard Bistrong shares his story and why he’s passionate about companies leaning into a culture of ethical behavior. For the first part of his career, Richard was in sales. Instead of always choosing the ethical path, however, he engaged in criminal activity to the tune of bribing foreign leaders. For this, he was put in jail for several months, but he realized the error of his ways and used the time to prepare for a new lease on life and business.  He is now a consultant on foreign bribery, ethics, and compliance issues as well as a writer and speaker. He is adamant that the way to move away from tense ethical situations is to instill a corporate culture of ethical behavior at every level.  It is so much easier for employees and the C-suite to make ethical decisions at any time when it is clear that ethics is a core value.  Richard is sharing all ab