Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

The 3Ps: Passion, Purpose, & Paying it Forward



When you’re the only woman in the room, but especially the only woman of color in the room, do you have a responsibility to help others rise up? Some would say yes, others no, but for Sonia Zeledon, it is her passion to reach back and pull others forward.  Sonia is an attorney who specializes in regulatory and compliance law. She’s now working with the Hershey Company after spending years working on international regulatory cases. And many times, she is the only woman in a room full of men who are working on international cases when they’ve never even left the country.  It is her passion to mentor the next generation and to give life and voice to those who are changing the mores of leadership in a professional setting. She has found her purpose in helping others’ to rise and she pays it forward by creating strong relationships with the next generation.  Listen as she shares more about her journey, why mentorship was so important as she started her career, and what she’s doing to give back. The 3Ps are an impo