Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

What is the Intersection Between the Logical Mind and Creativity?



We all use our brains differently to process our experiences in the world, but what is the intersection between the logical mind and creativity. Gina Rubel, CEO of Furia Rubel Communications, has been studying this connection her entire career.  As a former lawyer with a background in PR, she has been decades understanding how people think and how that impacts their everyday decisions. Her company was the first Pennsylvania marketing and public relations agency with a niche in the legal field.  Not only is her background in PR but she’s also written not one, but two books on public relations for lawyers. What does she credit for her successes in PR, law, and now in entrepreneurship? Understanding how logic and creativity mix and mingle and ways to blend them to create the best possible results for her clients.  Listen as she shares more about her background and why she’s found solace in taking back her time. No longer does she hold on to all the pieces of her business. Instead, she has learned that delegation