Camden Community Radio

Whats on in Camden 25th March - 7th April, 2013



If you are a local, you can lunch for free at Maiden Lane Community Centre on Sat 30th March, 1pm. To book, call 020 7267 9586; You can debate the environment and the economy at Housmans; Listen to Radio Blighty at the Etcetera or witness Daisy Pull it Off at the Gatehouse; There is poetry at Buck Street, Med & Mid East Music at the Forge or Jazz at Union Chapel Bar and an Urban Spring Festival with the London Wildlife Trust at Camley Street Natural Park. Read by: DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh, Mainga Bhimi & Marian Larragy Research by: Mainga Bhima & Marian Larragy Housman's Bookshop :: Radio Blighty's Idle Hour :: Etcetera Theatre :: Daisy Pulls It Off :: Maiden Lane Community Centre :: The Forge Venue :: Union Chapel :: Camley Street Natural Park :: Back to Camden Community Radio :: Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter :: File Download (6:10 min / 6 MB)