Camden Community Radio

What's On in Camden WB 10th feb



LGBT History Month is celebrated with ‘Loudest Whispers’, where 30 artists exhibit their work, is at St Pancras Hospital. The life and legacy of maverick writer B. S. Johnson, is examined at the British Library. Lauderdale House hosts ‘Shadow Tails’ by Finger and Thumb Theatre for children aged 3+. To book, call Katherine Ives, 020 8348 8716 – Tickets £4.50. Mr Scruff is at Koko and there is a nautical knees up with Shore Leave at the Irish Centre in Camden Square. Read by: Marian Larragy Research: Sophie Atkinson, Mainga Bhima & Marian Larragy Recorded by: Arsenio Camden LGBT Forum :: B. S. Johnson at British Library :: Finger and Thumb Theatre :: Lauderdale House :: 'Shore Leave' at Irish Centre :: Mr Scruff at Koko :: Back to Camden Community Radio :: Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter :: File Download (3:23 min / 3 MB)