Camden Community Radio

Savita Halappanavar Scandal & Women's Right to Life in Ireland



The death of Savita Halappanavar in a hospital in the West of Ireland in December 2012 has raised fury in Ireland, in India and around the world. The allegation is that the hospital staff refused, on religious grounds, to terminate a dying foetus so allowing Septicaemia to take hold. This report provides the background to demonstrators in London and elsewhere calling the Irish Government to legislate for a safer policy on the abortion. Package by: Marian Larragy Irish Times Report :: Expert Report on ECHR ruling :: Campaign Wesbite :: " title="">Video on Vimeo :: Irish Choice Network :: Ann Rossiter talks to Radio 4 about Campaigning for abortion :: Back to Camden Community Radio :: Follow Camden Community Radio on Twitter :: File Download (5:07 min / 5 MB)