Camden Community Radio

What's On from 15th December



See the scroll of Kerouac’s ‘On The Road’; be entertained by Lolotics at 3 Greenland Place; hear live chamber music for parents, carers & babies; listen to the London Community Gospel Choir at the Jazz Club; laugh at ‘Traditional Jewish Christmas Comedy’: enjoy Winter Holiday Family Days; get out to New Year ‘Twisted Circus’ or the Hogmany Ceilidh; see ‘The Shortlist 5’ and the ‘First Four’ exhibit at Swiss Cottage Gallery and relax at Sunday Blues Jam at Camden Blues Kitchen. Read by: DJ Rudeboy P.Tosh, Mainga Bhima, Marian Larragy, Sarah O’Brien, Sophie Atkinson. Recording & Editing: Arsenio et al Research: Sophie and Mainga Bhima British Library :: Classical Babies :: Jazz Cafe :: Hampstead Comedy Club :: Camden Arts Centre :: Proud Camden :: Cecil Sharpe House :: Swiss Cottage Exhibitions :: Blues Kitchen ::