Camden Community Radio

Post Porn - Gay Fringe Festival Challenge to the Porn Industries



Annie Sprinkle has been leading a very particular challenge to the porn industry for many years inspiring the Post Porn social movement. At the London Gay Fringe Festival earlier this year, Spanish artists from the new Transfeminism movement articulated the role of the post porn movement and sexual dissidence in the shake up of repressive aspects of Spanish politics and culture. Denise O’Connor was there to talk to participants about the performance and the sexual politics around it. Also see the comment below! Presented by: Denise O’Connor with Jayson Mansaray Edited by: Denise O’Connor Post Porn at Gay Fringe Festival :: Annie Sprinkle :: Radical Transfeminism Blog :: Gay Fringe Film Festival :: Kate Millett on Sexual Politics, 1969 :: Manifesto of Porno Terrorists :: Pussy Riot :: Another Transfeminist site :: Back to Camden Community Radio :: follow Camden Community Radi