Multiple Calls Podcast

Multiple Calls Episode 29 - Mahlon Johnson



Mahlon Joined the Navy in 2003 as a Hospital Corpsman stationed at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda MD. He received orders to Iraq where he was assigned to 18th Battalion 7th Brigade Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq. Located in the city of Fallujah on March 2005, he was the only medical provider for this battalion. After 6 months, he returned home and finished off the remainder of his contract at The Basic School in Quantico VA discharging Feb. 2010. Transitioning back to civilian life isn’t easy and he was no exception. He reached points in his life where suicide became an option. His wife tried to understand but was left with no other option but to threaten to kick him out. He was lost between who I use to be and what I had become. He found a combat support group in Fredericksburg VA and after a few months, he accepted a full-time job as a Veteran Peer Specialist for the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program (VWWP). Over the course of 5 years, he worked with Veterans from all eras to pr