Live Life

Momentum Monday - Organization is the name of the game



"Time is more valuable than money. You can always make more money but you can not make more time." Jim Rohn Time is a valued asset in one's life. Either we use our time wisely or we end up wasting our time. If we have goals that we are pursuing, we can not afford to waste much time. Every day does count. So taking advantage of the time we have and utilizing it more efficiently will benefit us tremendously. Time can be on our side and we can take full advantage of each day we are alive by becoming a better manager of our time. This is not about following some unrealistic or perfect schedule. This is about taking control of our time with just a little more intention and focus on creating the day to day schedule. I recommend sitting down at the beginning of the week to go over your schedule. Write in all of your appointments, your workouts, your social events, your kids' activities...basically everything that is important to you. Add it to your calendar. Once you do this, take a few moments to