Coffee & Change

Episode 80: Less Is Progress In Change With Chris Lovett



Our story today comes from Chris Lovett the founder of Less is Progress, and author of Discovery of Less. His platform has been created to support individuals, families and teams be more successful, with LESS. ​ Chris believes that life is complex and we are always on the go. We are consumed by countless distractions, constant comparisons and too much stuff can make us lose focus on what's important. Having a minimalist mindset can help design a better lifestyle that works for you in any context of life. Remove the things that no longer add value to make room for unlocking the best version of you. This is one man’s story of how he did just that. I really enjoyed the conversation, reading and discussing his book, and even taking a few detours and footpaths through a few musical throwbacks for some added joy. I definitely look forward to having Chris on for a part 2 at some point to continue the camaraderie in change. Enjoy the listen and make sure to check out Chris’s work at