Coffee & Change

Episode 78: Five Ways Forward In Change With Colin McLetchie



Today’s conversation and story is shared by Colin McLetchie. Colin is the owner and founder of Five Ways Forward, and partners with individuals, managers, leaders and executives to evolve, grow and thrive as human beings. As we hear in this discussion with Colin, everything he does comes from what he believes in and what he sees in others. And what that belief and sight looks like is: Lives worth living, leaders worth following, and teams/organizations worth being a part of... all of which create communities and a world worth living in. Colin plays many roles in this life, as a coach, consultant, trainer, facilitator, speaker and more. I am also honored to get to call him a friend along this journey. No matter the hat he is wearing, Colin is concretely focused on helping people and teams think, feel, and believe differently so they can do differently to increase their impact on the mission and the world. I trust this discussion and the insights explored with Colin will find a way to help you take a ne