Coffee & Change

Episode 28: Embracing A New World Of Virtual Assistance with Anne and Mark Lackey



My guests for this episode are Mark and Anne Lackey, husband and wife, business owners, renown Atlanta-based realtors, and the founders of Mark and Anne have coached and trained hundreds of US and Canadian realtors to be successful in a dynamic real estate industry. They have written multiple books and developed numerous educational programs to benefit companies and entrepreneurs around the world. Turning challenges into opportunities is something Mark and Anne pride themselves on. And they have done just that for multiple decades and through multiple downturns. In today’s conversation we will hear some great stories and insights on what drives them and how they stay focused and positive, always paying it forward. When I booked Anne and Mark as guests on my podcast just a few months ago, I had no idea how much the concept of virtual working would be on the forefront of everyone’s mind. So, from my kitchen table in Seattle to their Home Office in Atlanta, we talked about the importance