Every Quarter

Episode 12: Global Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution



John Marks '61, P'95, sits down for a discussion with Carmen Muñoz-Fernández, director of Learning in the World and instructor in Spanish, and Eric Roland, Precourt Director of Partnerships at the Tang Institute. Marks reflects upon his time as a student at Phillips Academy, recalled moments from his life’s work, and shared his views on the meaning of global citizenship and the state of the world today. As you scan the globe, what catches your attention the most? What are the highlights of a career dedicated to conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and social entrepreneurship? These are some of the questions that John Marks ‘61, P’95, explored with the Phillips Academy community during a recent visit to campus. Marks was, until 2014, president of Search for Common Ground, a peacebuilding NGO he founded in 1982 that now has 600 staff with offices in 36 countries. He also founded Common Ground Productions and is still a senior advisor to both organizations. He is a best-selling author, a former US Foreign Serv