Nashville Sounding Board

Episode 21 - Labor Day Edition: Organized Labor in Nashville



This episode features Vonda McDaniel and Ethan Link. Vonda McDaniel serves as the President of the Central Labor Council (CLC) of Nashville and Middle Tennessee. Ethan Link is the Assistant Business Manager of the Southeast Laborers' District Council (LIUNA) and serves as Treasurer of the CLC. Interview highlights and minute markers: 15:30 - Construction worker safety 20:30 - Community Benefits Agreement process for MLS Stadium Deal 36:00 - CLC political endorsement process 38:23 - Organizing hospitality industry in Nashville Nashville Sounding Board is a podcast dedicated to discussing social and political issues affecting Middle Tennessee. NSB is produced by Benjamin Eagles. Views expressed by Benjamin Eagles in this podcast and on social media are his alone and do not reflect the views of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. Interview has been lightly edited for length and cla