Lingam Dialogues

Lingam Dialogues - Ling...What?!



LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO… LINGAM DIALOGUES! (…also known as cock talks…) An epic podcast where we’ll be sharing amazing conversations between men, brothers coming together to talk about topics that are important for us but for some reason we don’t talk about them so often, and it’s time to do so guys. Sexuality, brotherhood, relationships, life purpose, sharing our exploration of being a man these days, reprogramming and redefining masculinity, challenges, insights, discoveries and the experience we’re having and what’s moving inside of us along the way. Episode 01 - Ling...What?! On this first episode, we sit together with my brother Tyran Mowbray, The Hairy Healer, to share a little bit about what this series it's about. Definitely a nice example of our journeys around Sacredness and Humanness,  the Primal and Divine. Setting up the foundations for what's gonna unfold. Just the beginning! So, get yourself ready, and start enjoying LINGAM DIALOGUES