The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

TSE 981: Creating an It Factor Culture



On today’s episode of The Sales Evangelist, we’re going to hear from David DeRam, CEO and co-founder of Greenlight Guru, about the “it” factor, and how it can change the culture in any organization. CULTURE At Greenlight Guru, David and his team spend a lot of time focusing on culture. He calls the company culture unique, but he says that culture doesn’t fall down on you like rain. You don’t experience culture; you participate in it. Leaders can think about culture and work to create culture, but leaders can’t execute culture. It’s like a plant that will grow the way that it grows, and if everyone isn’t on board with the culture, the culture won’t grow the way leaders want it to. [4:51] As a result, David’s team looks to everyone on the team to get involved and participate in the culture.   Culture drives results. It impacts every single nook and cranny of your business. #WorkCulture CLICK TO TWEET   People will work how they feel, and if they feel great, they’ll bring an entirely different energy to their