Leadership Hacks

Season 2, Episode 6: Assessing Transformational Leadership in Executive Hiring



Kirsten Moss is the Director of Admissions at Stanford’s graduate school of business and is completing her doctoral degree in Leadership Psychology from William James this month. Kirsten was Harvard Business School’s Director of Admissions for 10 years and has worked in executive assessment at Egon Zender and she coaches CEOs. For her doctoral project she conducted a mix methods study to explore transformational leadership qualities of top graduate school candidates through structured interviews. She then compared the qualities found in the interviews to see how they matched up with a popular Transformational Leadership 360 assessment called the The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire or MLQ which had never been vetted in this manner before. The results of her study are compelling! Learn more here: http://www.hindustantimes.com/education/leaders-can-t-work-alone-management-lessons-from-stanford-gsb-s-assistant-dean/story-qfqYzVbnxq5Ux5cBAnmbML.html