Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: NVIS Near Vertical Incidence Skywave with Ed Fong WB6IQN



What is N.V.I.S? I hear it all the time; but for whatever reason, like most, I have a hard time putting it to words.  So I found us someone that could explain the theory behind the propagation, and his name is Edison (Ed) Fong-WB6IQN. Ed helps lay out the theory of N.V.I.S in ways that even I can understand!  We discuss N.V.I.S and it's practical applications for everyday use as well as in an EMCOMM Situ. As we continue our antenna chat with Ed we begin to learn about his wildly popular J-Pole antennas.  From Dual-Band roll-ups to Tri-Band verticals, Ed and his students have been helping hams get on the air for years! You can find Eds' contact info here: Ed's Antennas You can purchase his antennae here: antennas_iqn Ebay Store Article from QST: ARRL /DBJ-1 John Miklor: Review To Learn More about N.V.I.S check into some of the following articles: Patricia Gibbons - WA6UBE WHAT IS NVIS? Wikipedia - Near Vertical Incidence Skywave DX Engineering - Practical Guide to Emer or Temp Comm (PDF) ARRL.org