Cal Ag Roots Podcast

We Are Not Strangers Here Ep. 4: Independent Settlements



WE ARE NOT STRANGERS HERE EPISODE 4 “Independent Settlements: Building Black Communities in Rural California." Starting as early as the 19th century, Black communities--large and small, loosely organized and formal took shape across rural California. Discover the undertold history of California’s Black rural settlements including how these communities represent the tension between the promises and the challenges of living in the Golden State. (Photo Credit: Goldie Beavers, playing on a rope swing by her home in Teviston, 1964. Courtesy: Ernest Lowe, photographer). This project was made possible with support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities (Visit to learn more), and the 11th Hour Project at the Schmidt Family Foundation. Music Credits for Episode 4: "Strange Persons" by Kicksta; "Summer Breeze" and "Inward" by HansTroost; Over the Water, Humans Gather by Dr. Turtle; and The Fish Are Jumping by deangwolfe. Tribe of Noise licensing infor