Sex Nerd Sandra

The Sex Nerds of NYC!



WOLVERINE VS MYSTIQUE! Sandra takes on any question from the NYC Sex Nerd Meetup group, then she fires back a few. TOPICS: Internal Orgasm, Kegel Elevator Exercise, Squirting, Kegelcisor, Sex Books: "Blow Him Away," "Red Hot Touch," "SM 101," "Guide to Getting it On," "Urban Tantra," Asexuality (the absence of sexual attraction), Visibility, Morrissey, Wolverine vs Mystique, Flash vs Superman, Nerds on Sex, Sex-Negative Drama, Nervous Partner, Tantric Sex, Yoga, Podcast Drama, Sex Nerd vs Educator, Jon Stewart, Catholicism Journey, Number of Sex Partners, Double Standard, Poly Processing and Hump Day as our sacred day.  If you're in New York City, join the NYC Sex Nerds monthly hangout on!