Plant Pot

No More Full Stops



We need to get rid of the full stops in our lives concerning God. What do I mean by that? Well I basically mean stop dividing your life into sections that consist of holy sections, secular sections, fun sections, sad sections, work sections, travel sections and relationship sections. Life should be not be divided into parts or sections, it should be one continuous sentence that has comers but no full stops. We often pray in church or over a task that will be done to bless people but not when we are at work, buying groceries, hanging out with friends, cooking the dinner and doing our hair. Everything you do is holy and unto the Lord. God wants to be in everything and he does not want to be stopped because you have placed a full stop instead of a comer. He wants to get involved and be invited when you get onto the train, when you catch the bus, when you give a presentation at work and when you are driving in traffic. Everything you do is holy unto the Lord. Do not confine God to your Sunday events, priva