Plant Pot

Do not Abort!



Did you know that everyday people are making the decision to have abortions? It is happening right as I speak especially in Christian–dom. But its not the kind that you might think. People have aborted dreams, ideas and promises that God has given them. They were handed an idea, a promise for something that they truly desire and wanted, but the process was either to long, someone talked them out of it. They had an unpleasant experience or they heard that it would be more trouble than its worth, and decided to confess that this could never happen for them. And so they aborted their dream. They flushed the promise down the drain and decided that God did not come through. Every single day abortions are happening and the enemy is having a field day. Lost hope. Lost expectation. Promises set to come to pass at a given time have been left by the roadside. Promises of marriage, promises of a new house, promises of a new career, a car, a child, an invention – but with all these promises there are many who decid