Francis Watch

Episode 35: Disasters, “Made That Way,” and the Irish Referendum



In this episode of Francis Watch, His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada discuss the words and actions of Jorge Bergoglio, known to many as “Pope Francis,” from the second quarter of 2018. Article links found here: Topics include: -Gaudete et Exsultate, the new “Apostolic Exhortation” -“Cardinal” Kasper’s commentary on Protestant intercommunion -Francis’ assertion that there is no hell -That atheists go to heaven -That the Holy Spirit is a “disaster” -That the Resurrection is not a historical fact -That Baptism makes us irrevocably children of God -That God made homosexuals “that way” -Thoughts on the Fr. Ringrose situation in Vienna, Virginia -Drone delivery of the “Eucharist” -The MET gala in New York (CAUTION! offensive and provocative pictures) -Crowdsurfing for the newly “ordained,” in Poland -Recent legalizations of abortion in Ireland and Argentina Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Francis