Francis Watch

Episode 33: Amoris Laetitia in Action, the Strange Things He Says, and the Filial Correctors



Original Air Date: November 21, 2017 In this episode of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada, and Dan Fitton discuss: •Colombian Professor criticizes Pope Francis, incurs excommunication. •Francis blesses adulterous union of Colombian President. •Canadian Cardinal will offer funerals for euthanized: ‘Who are we to judge?’ •Vatican to host another population control conference with pro-abortion speakers. •Vladimir Putin •Bergolio invokes 'magisterial authority' to declare liturgy changes 'irreversible.' •“It’s not Christian to walk looking down — as pigs do...” •The Filial Correctors For reference; Bp Sanborn’s blog post: Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Francis Watch’s 2014-2017 seasons, previously only available to the paid members of Restoration Radio, have been made public via the generous sponsorship of Novus Ordo Watch. You can listen to over thirty of these episodes at the link below, the first