Francis Watch

Episode 29: Coccopalmerio, Satire, and the Novus Ordo Going to the Dogs!



Original Air Date: March 25, 2017 In this episode of Francis Watch, Bishop Donald Sanborn, Father Anthony Cekada, and Dan Fitton discuss: -A certain Cardinal’s book, answering the Dubia – or at least Amoris Laetitia Chapter 8. -“Cardinal” Coccopalmerio’s comments on the notion of Sacraments as only either Valid or Invalid. -Beware the fundamentalist my brother and shun the fractious formenters. -Bergoglio echoes John Paul II and meets the Indians. You can’t make this stuff up! -First-Ever Anglican Liturgy comes to St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. -Fatima Anniversary and Logo -Bergoglio Posters and Satire (including the SSPX response) -SSPX and Rome getting closer by the day. -Bishop Fellay – 'Cardinal Muller wants us to help him fight modernism.' -O’ Brother what art thou? Take a listen to hear a truly Catholic take on these and other absurdities issued from the ongoing shock that is a Bergoglian non-pontificate. Show Sponsor: Novus Ordo Watch Francis Watch’s 2014-2017 s