Ernie Bedlam's Bedtime Stories

Ernie Bedlam's Third Podcast



Ernie Bedlam’s Bedtime Stories Episode 3 - March 25, 2017 This episode includes the stories “A Behavior,” “Nothing Good Ever Happens in Glenview,” “Pockets 2” (aka Lil’ Abe – or at least that’s what I’m calling it, because sooner or later Craig is going to show up with another story named Pockets, and I’m trying to avoid additional confusion -dc), and “Ernie Goes on Tour.” All conceived, written and narrated by Craig Champlin. Guest appearance by Vernon Tonges (aka Spoo Willoughby) who took a wrong turn off I94, and ended up in the studio. He’ll never make that mistake again. This episode features his original, “Fat Boy Cry,” as well as some other noodle-y bits we tortured out of him while he was here. For the record, it’s his recording of “Teddy Bear Picnic,” with which we delight your ears on a semi-monthly basis. We’ll tell him you said thanks. Other music contributed by long time friend and collaborator, Tim Menard. This episode features his original “Glass of Wine.” Which is about precisely what