Joseph Culbertson: Bible Prophecy, Revival, And Original Music

Miracle Healing Stories with Brandon Bailey!



You will see the world in a new way when you hear my friend Brandon Bailey's experiences as God first brought healing and freedom in his own life, and then used him to bring the good news of God's presence and love to countless other people he encounters in daily life! Brandon is full of the love and the life of Jesus, and as he demonstrates, freedom from sickness, sin, and every kind of oppression is available hear and now through our trust and confidence in Jesus. Brandon is a fellow student with me at The King's University, where we are both pursuing Master's of Divinity degrees with concentrations in Messianic Jewish Studies. Though we do not get into it in this interview, we share a passion to see Jewish people meet their Messiah Yeshua, and be strengthened and encouraged in their distinctive identity and calling as Jews. Brandon is an encouragement to everyone he meets, he is full of grace and prophetic insight for those around him. I hope your faith in God's promises is sparked anew, that you experienc