What's In The News Robin

Teens who vape more at risk for COVID-19 - 2nd hand vapor isn't a thing - Cigars can stay



Welcome back to Tuesday Bro Tuesday. Same show by name only. Some early Dangle Clacks but Michelle was a good sport. Everything returns to normal about 13min into the stream. Going to get this issue sorted out and have her back next week. Each week for roughly an hour and a half we will all be discussing the topics of the day. As well as current breaking news from the world of vaping, nicotine and tobacco harm reduction. Today's Topics include: Discrediting the myth making machine. As seen basically everywhere in the news this last week. The big headline says "'We need to tell everyone': Teens, young adults who vape more at risk for COVID-19, study says" is that what the study says? was this even a "study"? Thanks to Michelle Minton... sorry for the Dangleclacks All links available on GrimmGreen.com