What's In The News Robin

New Namberjuice ~ Getting Tattooed ~ Minikin Kodama ~ RX2/3



8/4/16 VLOG VIDEO!!! Hey everyone! welcome to the VLOG, evidently I don't know how to YouTube because most of this video is out of focus AGAIN! I guess someday i'll get it right. No Matter! got a great vlog for you guys today. Just a whole bunch of stuff to talk about. There is advocacy, There is beer, there are shoutouts, there are first impressions. I also talk a bit about some new products coming this week to Namberjuice.com including the new GrimmGreen signature line which i'm incredibly proud of. Unfortunately I do not have a retro vaping segment this week, but there is a review for a thing that never got a review. This VLOG is a little scattered and all over the place, but it should still be good times right? If I forgot any links let me know and I will do my best to find them. So tuck in, grab your best vape, grab a beer and enjoy the video. Timestamps, and all other crucial links are down below -----TIMESTAMPS----- Top of the program is advocacy stuff New August 8th products are at 18:50