What's In The News Robin

Even more FDA Stuff ~ Kaze V2 ~ Reuleaux RX200s ~ Kayfun V5



5/19/16 VLOG VIDEO!!! Hey Everyone! welcome to the VLOG video for May 19th 2016. Keeping in tone with the vlog last week and the current regulatory landscape, this VLOG includes just a whole mess of FDA talk at the top of the program. About a half hours worth so... yeah... Otherwise, I have some beer, Some shoutouts and some first impressions. Including the Kayfun V5 and the Limitless RDTA which I was very surprised by. So tuck in, grab your best vape, grab a beer and enjoy the video. Timestamp and all other crucial links are down below Remember that i'm off to Vegas this weekend for VPX so replies will be sparse -----TIMESTAMPS----- Top of the program is a whole lot of FDA stuff / Ranting What i've been vaping is at 26:16 Beer is at 40:03 Shoutouts are at 48:06 First impressions are at 58:35 Retro Vaping is at 01:25:10 No Favorite coments of the week :( #SadFace Crucial links are below -----The Advocacy----- Who is my representitave http://whoismyrepresentative.com/ JOIN CASAA! FOLLO