What's In The News Robin

Vape Shaming ~ Krixus Tank ~ Axis Vapes M17 ~ Irony



2-4-16 VLOG VIDEO!!! Hey everyone! welcome to the VLOG for 2-4-16. As per usual we got just a whole mess of stuff to talk about including some New Mexico advocacy, and the interesting subject of "Vape Shaming" Of course there will be beer, shoutouts and first impressions in there as well as a pretty monster giveaway for all my amazing YouTube subscribers. Unfortunately there is no retro vaping this week, but I do have a review for a thing that never got reviewd, and of course the comment of the week Tuck in, grab your best vape, grab a beer and enjoy the video. Timestamp and all other crucial links are down below. If there are any links I missed then let me know and I will track them down and fix em. -----TIMESTAMPS----- Top of the program is some announcements/ logo stuff / youtube stuff Giveaway is at 08:44 What i've been vaping is at 13:38 New Mexico Call to action is at 18:49 Vape Shaming is at 20:50 Beer is at 25:50 Shoutouts are at 38:26 First impressions are at 43:04 Reviews for thin