What's In The News Robin

FDA / EFVI stuff, Top caps galore, also beer, also music



Hey everyone! welcome to the new and improved VLOG / What's in the news Robin for Thursday May 15th 2014. As usual we have a whole mess of stuff to talk about. We do some shoutouts, there is some beer / music talk. I talk about the clear top cap I got from cleantanks, as well as the new KayFun top cap I got from RJvapes. Additionally there will be some FDA / EFVI talk and it would not be a VLOG without a little "Jam attack" Time stamps for everything will be listed below. So tuck in. Grab your best vape and enjoy the show. Jam attack is at the top of the program An announcement is at 04:12 Shout outs are at 13:20 Beer / Music is at 19:14 Vape gear talk is at 27:59 Fda/CASAA/EFVI talk is at 38:47 Viewer mail is at 47:34 Crucial links are below The Music William - Mors Principium Est https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekLBndp1J3U Frederico - Baby Metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cirhQ8iLdbw Bill - Fuzz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcNY7yw_ZI0 The Beer Brother Thelonious http://www.