Ask Altucher

Ep 318: What Can You Learn From Playing Poker?



James once played poker for more than 365 days in a row. He was obsessed. He’d just sold a business and had a ton of cash in his pocket, but he had no friends. He thought he could make both money and friends by taking up poker. He quickly learned that in poker, psychology is 90% of the battle and understanding the odds is the other 90%. He loved it and those lessons have stuck with him. And he learned that he should have kept doing what he was great at.  Listen to today's episode to find out what he did next. Regards, David Newman P.S. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?   A great new resource shows a clever way to start a business, get a new job, find a retirement career, publish a book, make extra money in your spare time,