Ask Altucher

Ep 309: The End of Jobs



talks with James today about , he wrote the book on it. James says about Taylors book “ The most important thing about The End of Jobs is that entrepreneurship is not a choice you can make at your leisure”. “This is something that is actually happening.  The train is leaving the station. You have to either jump on the train or lose your chance forever. Now is the time…” James asks Taylor what he would do if he wanted to start a new seven figure a year job right now but you had no experience. Taylor says he’d become an apprentice; there are plenty of great entrepreneurs looking for talented young people to help them grow their businesses. That’s exactly what he did and he tells James his story. They talk about how entrepreneurs are leveraging the democracy of the Long Tail to get rich, how others are using Amazon as their store front to drop shipping or as a testing ground before they launch their own website. As more and more jobs are being outsourced the question remains… Where is this all going? The trend i