Alma Matters: With Riane Puno.

Cyndi Ramirez, Founder & CEO of Chillhouse: "If it's something that you're intended to do, you find joy through the headaches. You still feel fulfilled in some capacity."



Cyndi Ramirez is the amazing self-made entrepreneur and chiller-in-chief behind Chillhouse, the go-to destination for all things self care. What started as a Lower East Side brick and mortar with a nail salon, massage boutique and full service café has evolved into a national wellness brand with a loyal following and its own editorial platform dubbed The Chill Times. This whole endeavor didn’t stem from the traditional path of college then maybe an MBA. Cyndi dropped out of college twice and spent that time on the ground, learning on the job until she and her now husband found a void in the wellness market and filled it with Chillhouse. Enjoy her incredible story in today's episode! New Yorkers, RSVP to The Alma Matters Experience live podcast recording with Jen Gotch, Vicki Fulop and Lisa Barnett here!