Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 142, Rejection



Rejection is defined as the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc. Humans don’t like rejection. To be told no, or to be denied something you want, or an idea that you have, or to sell something, or to put yourself out there and then told no, whether it’s love, or a new job, or a business idea. The idea of rejection or being rejected keeps a lot of people from going forward. But the most PAINFUL rejections are the ones we do towards ourselves. Tune in and learn how you can identify 3 areas in which you might be rejecting yourself and your goals. And how you can shift to stop rejecting what you truly want and start to say YES to you and your amazing life. The weight of your unlived dreams lives unsatisfied inside of YOU. And it keeps growing the longer you reject what it is you actually want. This is one of the reasons why we numb and escape. And you don't have to keep doing it. AND don't forget to sign up for the FREE Wine Free Workweek Challenge, we start on Monday, September 20th! I'll be sharing t